Results for 'Joseph Major Nyasani'

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  1.  17
    Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development.Joseph Major Nyasani (ed.) - 1988 - Nairobi: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
  2.  7
    The meaning and implications of life and death in Africa: a psycho-philosophical reflection.Joseph M. Nyasani - 2011 - Nairobi: Consolata Institute of Philosophy Press.
  3.  4
    Legal philosophy: jurisprudence.Joseph M. Nyasani - 2001 - Nairobi: Consolata Institute of Philosophy.
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  4. The Role of Culture and Traditional Thought Systems in Development.Joseph M. Nyasani - 1988 - In Joseph Major Nyasani (ed.), Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development. Nairobi: Konrad Adenauer Foundation. pp. 31.
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    Philosophy of development: an African perspective: reflections on why Africa may never develop on the Western model.Joseph M. Nyasani - 2010 - Nairobi: Consolata Institute of Philosophy Press.
  6.  55
    Engaging science: how to understand its practices philosophically.Joseph Rouse - 1996 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Summarizing this century's major debates over realism and the rationality of scientific knowledge, Joseph Rouse believes that these disputes oversimplify the ...
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    Comments on Joseph A. Bracken’s “Emergent Monism and Final Causality: A Field-Oriented Approach”.Joseph A. Bracken - 2004 - Tradition and Discovery 31 (2):27-30.
    Bracken synthesizes Polanyi’s notion of morphogentic field and Whitehead’s notion of societies of actual occasions. These comments emphasize the implications of the metaphors involved in these notions. The rnetaphor of plants growing in afield lies beyond the concept of a morphogenetic field, and the metaphor of a society of interacting persons lies behind the concept of a society of actual occasions. I suggest that one of the implications of this metaphor is that there is not, as Bracken argues, a problem (...)
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    On Cicero, Cato Major, § 28.Joseph F. Paxton - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (04):216-.
  9.  62
    Aristotle: The Collected Papers of Joseph Owens.Joseph Owens - 1981 - State University of New York Press.
    In this volume, John R. Catan has gathered together 18 major essays by the well-known aristotelian scholar Joseph Owens that have influenced current opinion on the philosopher.
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  10. Engaging Reason: On the Theory of Value and Action.Joseph Raz - 1999 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Joseph Raz presents a penetrating exploration of the interdependence of value, reason, and the will. These essays illuminate a wide range of questions concerning fundamental aspects of human thought and action. Engaging Reason is a summation of many years of original, compelling, and influential work by a major contemporary philosopher.
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    The challenge of community engagement and informed consent in rural Zambia: an example from a pilot study.Joseph Mumba Zulu, Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy, Karen Marie Moland, Patrick Musonda, Ecloss Munsaka & Astrid Blystad - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):45.
    There is a need for empirically based research on social and ethical challenges related to informed consent processes, particularly in studies focusing on adolescent sexual and reproductive health. In a pilot study of a school-based pregnancy prevention intervention in rural Zambia, the majority of the guardians who were asked to consent to their daughters’ participation, refused. In this paper we explore the reasons behind the low participation in the pilot with particular attention to challenges related to the community engagement and (...)
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    Is Majority Privilege Unjust?Joseph Heath - 2022 - Public Affairs Quarterly 36 (4):257-279.
    One of the most important themes in recent thinking about racial justice in the United States has been a shift in emphasis away from the traditional issue of racial discrimination, toward an exploration of the various forms of privilege that dominant groups enjoy. Many of the privileges that whites have been encouraged to explore, however, do not stem directly from their racial identity, but rather from the fact that they belong the majority demographic group. Describing these benefits as a “privilege” (...)
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    A Reply to Joseph C. Flay’s “Hegel’s Metaphysics”.Joseph C. Flay - 1993 - The Owl of Minerva 24 (2):153-161.
    The question of the nature of Hegel’s metaphysics is a continuing one. In the last few decades the idea that Hegel even has a metaphysics has been challenged. Recently Stephen Houlgate has responded to this latter idea and tried to show not only that Hegel has a metaphysics, but of what sort it is. In my view Houlgate is right about Hegel having a metaphysics and also right generally about what sort of metaphysics it is. However, it seems to me (...)
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  14. Authority, Law and Morality.Joseph Raz - 1985 - The Monist 68 (3):295-324.
    H. L. A. Hart is heir and torch-bearer of a great tradition in the philosophy of law which is realist and unromantic in outlook. It regards the existence and content of the law as a matter of social fact whose connection with moral or any other values is contingent and precarious. His analysis of the concept of law is part of the enterprise of demythologising the law, of instilling rational critical attitudes to it. Right from his inaugural lecture in Oxford (...)
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  15. The Ethics of Immigration.Joseph H. Carens - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Eminent political theorist Joseph Carens tests the limits of democratic theory in the realm of immigration, arguing that any acceptable immigration policy must be based on moral principles even if it conflicts with the will of the majority.
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    Engaging Reason.Joseph Raz - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (3):745-748.
    Joseph Raz presents a penetrating exploration of the interdependence of value, reason, and the will. These essays illuminate a wide range of questions concerning fundamental aspects of human thought and action. Engaging Reason is a summation of many years of original, compelling, and influential work by a major contemporary philosopher.
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  17. Why Rancière Now?Joseph J. Tanke - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (2):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why Rancière Now?Joseph J. Tanke (bio)I. IntroductionAs philosophy's representative at an art college, a question is put to me by my colleagues, students, and other art-world types frequently enough that it is worth considering systematically: Why Rancière now? The query is in large part prompted by a recent issue of Artforum devoted to the work of the French philosopher Jacques Rancière, the publication of which caps a seemingly (...)
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  18.  34
    Early Maliki Law: Ibn Abd al-Hakam and His Major Compendium of Jurisprudence.Joseph Lowry & Jonathan E. Brockopp - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):91.
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    How to Naturalize Theology?Joseph Zycinski - 2011 - Process Studies 40 (1):131-143.
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    Comment by Joseph C. Flay.Joseph C. Flay - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:142-146.
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    John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control.Joseph Hamburger - 2001 - Princeton University Press.
    John Stuart Mill is one of the hallowed figures of the liberal tradition, revered for his defense of liberal principles and expansive personal liberty. By examining Mill's arguments in On Liberty in light of his other writings, however, Joseph Hamburger reveals a Mill very different from the "saint of rationalism" so central to liberal thought. He shows that Mill, far from being an advocate of a maximum degree of liberty, was an advocate of liberty and control--indeed a degree of (...)
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  22.  9
    Scepsis Scientifica: Or, Confest Ignorance, the Way to Science; In an Essay of the Vanity of Dogmatizing, and Confident Opinion (Classic Reprint).Joseph Glanvill & John Owen - 2015 - Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.
    Excerpt from Scepsis Scientifica: Or, Confest Ignorance, the Way to Science; In an Essay of the Vanity of Dogmatizing, and Confident Opinion He seems to have been brought up, if not as an extreme sectary, at least in some school of Puritanism which allowed small scope for independent judgment. Thus he tells us, in his "Plus Ultra" (p. 142): "In my first education I was continually instructed into a religious and fast adherence to everything I was taught, and a dread (...)
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  23.  42
    Philosophical Foundations of Climate Change Policy.Joseph Heath - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "Although the task of formulating an appropriate policy response to the problem of anthropogenic climate change is one that raises a number of very difficult normative issues, environmental ethicists have not played an influential role in government deliberations. This is primarily due to their rejection of many of the assumptions that structure the debates over policy. This book offers a philosophical defense of these assumptions, in order to overcome the major conceptual barriers to the participation of philosophers in these (...)
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  24.  54
    A scoping review of genetics and genomics research ethics policies and guidelines for Africa.Joseph Ochieng, Nelson K. Sewankambo, John Barugahare, Betty Kwagala, Juli M. Bollinger, Erisa Mwaka, Betty Cohn & Joseph Ali - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundGenetics and genomics research (GGR) is increasingly being conducted around the world; yet, researchers and research oversight entities in many countries have struggled with ethical challenges. A range of ethics and regulatory issues need to be addressed through comprehensive policy frameworks that integrate with local environments. While important efforts have been made to enhance understanding and awareness of ethical dimensions of GGR in Africa, including through the H3Africa initiative, there remains a need for in-depth policy review, at a country-level, to (...)
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  25.  64
    Sustainable Stakeholder Capitalism: A Moral Vision of Responsible Global Financial Risk Management.Joseph A. Petrick - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (S1):93-109.
    The author identifies the major micro-, meso-, and macro-level financial risk shifting factors that contributed to the Great Global Recession and how the absence of a compelling moral vision of responsible financial risk management perpetuated the economic crisis and undermined the recovery by blind reliance upon insufficiently accountable bailouts. The author offers a new theoretical model of Sustainable Stakeholder Capitalism by exercising moral imagination which inclusively and moderately balances four multi-level factors: types of capitalism, moral theories, human nature drives, (...)
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  26.  20
    Medical Professionalism in China and the United States: A Transcultural Interpretation.Joseph D. Tucker, Linying Hu, Yali Cong, Kirk L. Smith & Jing-Bao Nie - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (1):48-60.
    As in other societies, medical professionalism in the Peoples’ Republic of China has been rapidly evolving. One of the major events in this process was the endorsement in 2005 of the document, “Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium: A Physician Charter,” by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association (hereafter, the Charter). More recently, a national survey, the first on such a large scale, was conducted on Chinese physicians’ attitudes toward the fundamental principles and core commitments put forward in the Charter. (...)
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  27.  24
    A commentary on Jean-Paul Sartre's Critique of dialectical reason, volume 1, Theory of practical ensembles.Joseph S. Catalano - 1986 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason ranks with Being and Nothingness as a work of major philosophical significance, but it has been largely neglected. The first volume, published in 1960, was dismissed as a Marxist work at a time when structuralism was coming into vogue; the incomplete second volume has only recently been published in France. In this commentary on the first volume, Joseph S. Catalano restores the Critique to its deserved place among Sartre’s works and within philosophical discourse (...)
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  28.  71
    Decision Theory with Resource‐Bounded Agents.Joseph Y. Halpern, Rafael Pass & Lior Seeman - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (2):245-257.
    There have been two major lines of research aimed at capturing resource-bounded players in game theory. The first, initiated by Rubinstein (), charges an agent for doing costly computation; the second, initiated by Neyman (), does not charge for computation, but limits the computation that agents can do, typically by modeling agents as finite automata. We review recent work on applying both approaches in the context of decision theory. For the first approach, we take the objects of choice in (...)
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  29. Mercy, happiness and human growth in the teaching of pope Francis.Joseph Lam - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (4):435.
    Lam, Joseph On 11 April 2015 Pope Francis called for a special of Year of Mercy, which subsequently was symbolically inaugurated with the opening of the Holy Doors of the Basilicas of St Peter and of St John in Rome on 8 December. According to the Argentinian Pontiff, upon whose episcopal ministry is placed the maxim miserendo atque eligendo, mercy is the key element leading to the rediscovery of the spiritual joy that appears to have faded away in the (...)
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  30. Morality, convention and conventional morality.Joseph Heath - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (3):276-293.
    Among anthropologists and sociologists, it is widely believed that moral rules are best understood as a type of social norm. Moral philosophers, however, have largely been hostile to this suggestion. In recent years, the impulse to distinguish moral rules from others types of social norm has received what many take to be empirical support from the work of Elliot Turiel and his collaborators, who have argued that there are two distinct “domains” of social cognition, the “moral” and the “conventional.” Many (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel Biel: Interpretations of St. Thomas Aquinas in German Nominalism on the Eve of the Reformation by John L. Farthing.Joseph Wawrykow - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):149-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 149 Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel Biel: Interpretations of St. Thomas Aquinas in German Nominalism on the Eve of the Reformation. By JOHN L. FARTHING. Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 9. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988. Pp. x +265. $22.50 (cloth). In this hook, John Farthing examines the use made by the fifteenth· century theologian Gabriel Biel of the thought of Thomas Aquinas. Contemplating the various (...)
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    Reduction, explanation, and the quests of biological research.Joseph D. Robinson - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (3):333-353.
    A major theme in biological research is the quest for mechanism, embodied in explanatory reductionism: the interpretation of phenomena through links to the entities and laws of more fundamental sciences. For example, the form of Starling's Law of the Heart, relating contractile force to heart volume, follows from the sliding-filament hypothesis of muscle contraction, a molecular concept. Although alternative mechanisms for muscle contraction and cardiac regulation could be deduced from biochemical principles, the formulation provides clear correspondence with the phenomena (...)
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  33. The epistemic function of iconicity in perception.Joseph Ransdell - manuscript
    The claim of this paper is that Peirce's conception of the iconic sign provides the key conceptual element required to solve the major problem traditionally associated with the doctrine of representative perception, according to which all perceptual awareness of things is mediated through representations or "ideas" of them. The problem this has generated in the philosophical tradition is based on construing the representation not merely as..
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    Land management and the Bayaa institution: The enduring impact of Kasena-Nankana mortuary practises.Joseph Aketema - 2024 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 13 (1):11-26.
    The significantly enduring traditional Kasena-Nankana Bayaase or Bayaaro institution is one of the profound cultural institutions that serve its communities' spiritual and mortal needs in diverse ways. A pall-bearer ritually fortified to execute indigenous morturary and burial practices. This ritual, per its very nature and function, may appear unenticing but is indispensable when it comes to preparing the dead for final travel, and the appeasement of Mother Earth. This institution has since not received deeper scholarly attention and is currently facing (...)
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  35.  13
    L'impact du Parti Populaire Européen dans la première élection du Parlement Européen au suffrage universel.Joseph M. Jamar - 1979 - Res Publica 21 (1):29-42.
    The European People's Party - with its 11 Members in 7 countries - represents, according to the latest legislative elections in the member countries of the EEC, about 40 million voters, and 28 % of the totalEEC electorate. Presenting itself as multi-classis! and open to individual adhesions, it refers also directly to the traditional values of Christian Democracy.Signs of heterogeneity can be seen, however, on three main levels - «ideological», political and economical -, which give the EPP a bipolar aspect (...)
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  36.  50
    ‘Perseverance’ in 13th-Century Theology.Joseph Wawrykow - 1991 - Augustinian Studies 22:125-140.
  37.  58
    The Extended-Expert-As-Teacher (EEAT) Model: A Defense of De Cruz.Joseph E. Blado - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (3):412-435.
    Recently, social epistemologists have sought to establish what the governing epistemic relationship should be between novices and experts. In this paper, I argue for, and expand upon, Helen De Cruz’s expert-as-teacher model. For although this model is vulnerable to significant challenges, I propose that a specifically extended version can sufficiently overcome these challenges (call this the “extended-expert-as-teacher” model, or the “EEAT” model). First, I show the respective weaknesses of three influential models in the literature. Then, I argue the expert-as-teacher model (...)
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  38. Abstract.Joseph Heath - manuscript
    It is not clear whether the social contract is supposed to merely supplement the unequal gains that individuals are able to make through the exercise of their natural endowments with a set of equal gains secured through social cooperation, or whether the social contract must also compensate individuals for the effects of these natural inequalities, so that they literally become all equal. The issue concerns, in effect, whether natural inequality falls within the scope of egalitarian justice. I think it is (...)
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    John Dewey, Confucius, and Global Philosophy.Joseph Grange - 2004 - SUNY Press.
    Joseph Grange's beautifully written book provides a unique synthesis of two major figures of world philosophy, John Dewey and Confucius, and points the way to a global philosophy based on American and Confucian values. Grange concentrates on the major themes of experience, felt intelligence, and culture to make the connections between these two giants of Western and Eastern thought. He explains why the Chinese called Dewey "A Second Confucius," and deepens our understanding of Confucius's concepts of the (...)
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  40. Humanae vitae' I: Pope Paul VI in pastoral mode.Joseph Parkinson - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):185.
    Parkinson, Joseph Long after its publication in 1968, Pope Paul VI's encyclical letter on birth control Humanae Vitae continues to provoke great interest among Catholic bishops, clergy and faithful alike. At the time of its promulgation and in the years since, many Catholic couples struggled with the teaching contained in the document. Some couples apparently managed to adapt seamlessly to the continuing prohibition on contraception, but others encountered and continue to encounter major difficulties in receiving and living the (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Causes and explanations: A structural-model approach. Part I: Causes.Joseph Y. Halpern & Judea Pearl - 2005 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (4):843-887.
    We propose a new definition of actual causes, using structural equations to model counterfactuals. We show that the definition yields a plausible and elegant account of causation that handles well examples which have caused problems for other definitions and resolves major difficulties in the traditional account.
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  42. Divination and Philosophy: Chu Hsi's Understanding of the I Ching.Joseph A. Adler - 1984 - Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara
    This dissertation is a study of the intersection of two monumental products and shapers of the Chinese tradition: the I-ching (Book of Change), which has influenced nearly all schools of Chinese thought for two millennia; and Chu Hsi (1130-1200), whose systematization of the Confucian tradition (known in the West as Neo-Confucianism) has dominated Chinese intellectual history until the present century. Focusing on Chu Hsi's theory of mind and his view of the ordinary person's need for concrete methods of self-cultivation, the (...)
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    Self-Organization and Agency.Joseph E. Earley - 1981 - Process Studies 11 (4):242-258.
    Nature abounds in compound individuals. Discrete, functioning entities are made up of components which are, in some sense, also individuals. Scientists sometimes need to be concerned with whether aggregates (e.g.. species of plants) or components (e.g., quarks) exist. but such questions are not generally regarded as having great importance for science. It has often happened, however, that scientific developments have had major significance for subsequent philosophical discussion of problems of the one and the many. Recently, there has been considerable (...)
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    Catullus: The Shorter Poems (review).Joseph B. Solodow - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):283-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catullus: The Shorter PoemsJoseph B. SolodowJohn Godwin, ed. Catullus: The Shorter Poems. Ed. with intro., trans., and comm. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1999. xii + 223 pp. Cloth, $59.95; paper, $28.Godwin's volume joins two other recent ones that also offer a text and English translation of the poet, along with introduction and notes: G. P. Goold, Catullus: Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Notes, 2d ed. (London 1989; 1st (...)
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    Looking Beyond Neoliberalism: French and Fran-cophone Belgian Cinema and the Crisis by Martin O’Shaughnessy (review).Joseph Mai - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):117-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Looking Beyond Neoliberalism: French and Fran-cophone Belgian Cinema and the Crisis by Martin O’ShaughnessyJoseph MaiO’Shaughnessy, Martin. Looking Beyond Neoliberalism: French and Fran-cophone Belgian Cinema and the Crisis. Edinburgh University Press, 2022. 224pp.Martin O’Shaughnessy has devoted a career to scouring the intersections of politics, identity, and contemporary French cinema, perhaps most notably in his 2007 book, The New Face of Political Filmmaking. In a review in Cineaste, Jonathan Buchsbaum (...)
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  46. Testimony: A Philosophical Introduction.Joseph Shieber - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    The epistemology of testimony has experienced a growth in interest over the last twenty-five years that has been matched by few, if any, other areas of philosophy. _Testimony: A Philosophical Introduction _provides an epistemology of testimony that surveys this rapidly growing research area while incorporating a discussion of relevant empirical work from social and developmental psychology, as well as from the interdisciplinary study of knowledge-creation in groups. The past decade has seen a number of scholarly monographs on the epistemology of (...)
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    Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History (review).Joseph Waligore - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):299-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 299-303 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History. Edited by Thomas A. Tweed and Stephen Prothero. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. 416 pp. Although this book is not about interreligious dialogue per se, it makes several important contributions to it. Two of the necessities for successful interreligious dialogue are a knowledge (...)
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  48. A critique of the Finnish adoptive family study of schizophrenia.Jay Joseph - 1999 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 20 (2):133-154.
    This paper evaluates the ongoing Finnish Adoptive Family Study of Schizophrenia. The Tienari, Lahti et al. study is the most recent attempt to use adoptees as a way of testing the hypothesis that schizophrenia carries a genetic component, and the purpose here is to present what is probably the first in-depth critical analysis of its findings. The published reports of Tienari and associates are the primary focus of analysis, while problems with other schizophrenia adoption studies using similar research designs are (...)
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    Back to the rough ground: practical judgment and the lure of technique.Joseph Dunne - 1993 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Back to the Rough Ground is a philosophical investigation of practical knowledge, with major import for professional practice and the ethical life in modern society. Its purpose is to clarify the kind of knowledge that informs good practice in a range of disciplines such as education, psychotherapy, medicine, management, and law. Through reflection on key modern thinkers who have revived cardinal insights of Aristotle, and a sustained engagement with the Philosopher himself, it presents a radical challenge to the scientistic (...)
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    The human revolution and the adaptive function of literature.Joseph Carroll - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):33-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Human Revolution and the Adaptive Function of LiteratureJoseph CarrollIBefore the advent of purely culturalist ways of thinking in the early decades of the twentieth century, the idea of "human nature" was deeply ingrained in the literature and the humanistic social theory of the West.1 In the past three decades, ethology, sociobiology, and evolutionary psychology have succeeded in making the idea of "human nature" once again a commonplace of (...)
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